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The Violet Hour Book Reviews

I love books. A year ago I started my indie kick and I still haven't been able to shake it nor do I ever want to <3
May 2014
November 2013
reviewed: Beyond Fantastic, if you don't read this you will regret it
If I could give this book a million stars I would. But I will go with a 5 out of 5 solid stars. Warning: I was given this as ...
Song of the Wolf - Hannah Pole
November 2013
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH yay! I started this at 11 pm and now just finished at 3:30 am. Good Gracious i am glad i don't need to wa...
Reviving Bloom  - Michelle  Turner
read and rated
reviewed: titles are hard
Wow. Okay first off, Melissa approached me and my friend who do a blog, asked us to review two of her books for her a free bo...
Touch - Melissa Haag
reviewed: So i annoyed my twin with how much i loved this book
Okay so first and foremost I would like to Thank Melissa Haag, a ton a ton, not only for directing me to her book but also be...
Hope(less) - Melissa Haag
read and rated
read and rated
reviewed: Oh last thoughts: read this book, read this series, good? good.
So Melissa Haag asked me to give her an honest review in exchange for a free copy of her book, problem was I already bought t...
(Mis)fortune - Melissa Haag
read and rated
reviewed: ...............*speechless*................(in a good way)...................
...............*speechless*................(in a good way)...................Warnings: This is the LAST in a 4-part saga? Ser...
Eden-East (Eden Series) - Janelle Stalder
reviewed: Curse you Perry the Platypus
I have one thing to say to you Janelle: Okay so this was given to me in request for an honest review...sort of...either way i...
Eden-South - Janelle Stalder
reviewed: *JAW IS ON THE FLOOR!*....oh dear God! people my jaw is on the floor i do not think this is medical safe!
*JAW IS ON THE FLOOR!*....oh dear God! people my jaw is on the floor i do not think this is medical safe!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...
Eden-West - Janelle Stalder
reviewed: This isn't my first Janelle book and it won't be my last
:O - okay also this is a warning, sort of...thing...I was given this LOVELY, FANTASTIC book by the author in sort of exchange...
Eden (Eden Series) - Janelle Stalder
reviewed: So much love
I think I am in love. No. I am in love. No. I love. No. LOVE. That’s all really. Just plain, old, good, old, fashion, old (ca...
Switch  - Janelle Stalder